Albuquerque gun buyback planned for mid-December 

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – Albuquerque police (APD) will host one more gun buyback this year in an effort to get more firearms off the streets.

APD is partnering with Albuquerque Community Safety (ACS), Crime Stoppers, UNM, and “New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence” for a safe surrender event on December 14 from 9 a.m. to noon at APD’s University Substation near Cesar Chavez, north of the pit.

The buyback will offer $250 cash for assault weapons, $200 for semi-automatic handguns or rifles, and $100 for long guns, revolvers, and pistols. Weapons must be unloaded, in good working order, and left in the trunk.

Those dropping off guns must stay in their vehicle. APD said more than 200 guns were turned in at its last gun buyback over the summer.

Once surrendered, APD personnel will check with the National Crime Information Center to make sure they are not stolen. Guns not turned back to their rightful owner will be dismantled and used for scrap metal, like gardening tools, musical instruments, and artwork.


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