​Raton School Board Tackles updated Health Policy 

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media

The Raton Board of Education met Monday evening August 19, 2024, for their first board meeting since school opened for the year, where they discussed the updated health policy for the schools and approved the replacement of iPads for the Longfellow School.

Goals were discussed and how the district can improve, and it was noted that math still seems to be falling short. RPS Superintendent Kristi Medina noted that the district is looking closely at cohort matrixes to determine were some of the problems are. For example, the fifth-grade class scored higher on math than others. Is that based on the students themselves or other factors. Early intervention was also discussed. Should the district look at starting at an earlier age, for example in first or second grade rather than waiting until the student is in the sixth grade.

Another topic of discussion that came up was the drop-off and pickup of students especially at the high school. Traffic flow there has been at times difficult as Principal Jolene Starr noted. Admin at the school are watching and will be tweaking how traffic flows around the parking lot and around the school. The district may also consult a traffic specialist to investigate the traffic flow issue.

Board members went over the financial report and approved the transfers and budget adjustments for June 2024.

An addition to Policy J-3050 regarding the use of Opioid Antagonist Medication was discussed. The district will provide and maintain opioid antagonist medication for the treatment of an opioid overdose. The district shall comply with federal and state statues and regulations which will include training requirements for school personnel regarding the overdose intervention program.

Another policy that was discussed was the need to do a background check on all contractors. The board approved that especially with the work going on and the building of the new campus.

Board members discussed the newly updated health policy for the school. The policy covers nutrition and nutrition education as well as health education, physical activity and education. Other items covered in the 50-page document include emotional well-being, health services that the school provides and staff wellness.

The goals and procedures of the policy are designed to ensure that all students have access to healthy foods throughout the school day. It goes on to include quality nutrition education that helps students develop lifelong healthy eating habits. Students are also provided opportunities to be active before during and after school. The policy also covers students’ individual health plans so that in case of an emergency such things as allergies are noted to prevent potential adverse reactions. The policy notes the important role that proper nutrition and physical activities play in the learning environment and later in life.

Board members heard that the iPads at Longfellow School are near end of life and need replacement. Elite IT recommended the replacement of the devices while the American Rescue Plan – Cares Act funding is still in place. The school will replace 250 devices with keypads at a cost of $132,000.00. The current iPads will be replaced with the 10.9-inch iPad sporting 256 gig of memory.

The agreement concerns Cimarron and Raton with Cimarron picking up students in the Raton district. Cimarron is picking up students as close in as the three-mile bridge. The agreement covers Raton in the event of other issues that might come up such as Cimarron having an accident in our district.


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