Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court to perform Valentine’s Day weddings 

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – If you are planning on getting married and haven’t set a date yet, the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court will be performing Valentine’s Day weddings for the public.

This year’s event will be in-person at the Metropolitan Courthouse on Friday, February 14, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sixty-two couples were wed at last year’s event, which marked the return of in-person weddings after COVID restrictions were lifted.

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“This is a meaningful milestone for our court because it’s a feel-good service that we’re able to provide to the community on the holiday and throughout the year,” said Chief Judge Joshua J. Sánchez. “The event has grown over the years, and even during COVID, we were able to keep the tradition going by performing weddings virtually.” 

The Valentine’s Day weddings are performed individually, and couples must make an appointment with the court in advance by calling 505-841-8285. Appointment slots are limited. There is no fee for the service.

Couples must obtain a marriage license beforehand from the County Clerk’s Office, and two witnesses must accompany the couple on the day of the ceremony to sign the marriage license.

This is the court’s 25th year of perofming Valentine’s Day weddings.


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