Coors Light is temporarily changing its name: Here’s why 

DENVER (KDVR) — Ask your coworkers: There are very few people who enjoy Mondays, and one of the worst Mondays of the year is the one that comes after the Super Bowl. To combat post-football fatigue, Coors Light is changing its name for a new promotion.

As the 2024-25 NFL season comes to an end on Feb. 9, millions of people are expected to call out of work the next day with a “case of the Mondays.” In 2024, UKG Workforce, a workforce management company, estimated that more than 16 million Americans would miss work the day after the Big Game.

This year, Coors Light is turning the case of the Mondays into a literal case, with limited-edition packaging and designs.

Beer fans can purchase a 12-pack of “Mondays Light” in honor of one of the most dreaded days of the year. The limited-edition pack will be available for purchase nationwide and features a “Mondays Light” design.

Coors Light limited edition Super Bowl packaging
Coors Light is changing its name in honor of the Super Bowl. (Coors Light)

Coors Light said they experienced their own case of the Mondays when they recently launched a series of advertisements with a glaring typo.

On Monday, Jan. 13, Coors said they released an ad where refreshment was erroneously spelled “refershment.” According to Fox News, a full-page print and digital billboard ad was also released in North America.

Coors Light ad mistake
Coors Light launched a series of ads with a spelling mistake on Jan. 13. (Coors Light)

While mistakes happen, Coors acknowledged the error and called it just another case of the Mondays.

Coors Light did not specify how long the name change will last, but the company said the cases will be available for a limited time.


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