​Miner’s Colfax Medical Center Board Meeting Sept 20, 2024 

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media

CFO Lonnie Medina is working on the FY26 budget appropriation. His headache comes in the form of data being two years apart. He is currently looking at data from 2023 and into 2024 to establish a budget for 2026. MCMC was still receiving Covid funding which has skewed the data. Revenues for the hospital include $14.5 million coming from the land grant permanent fund. Preliminary budget was submitted to the state September 3, 2024, now the board needs to approve the preliminary budget of $42.874 million. MCMC budget process is a lengthy one with several more steps than municipalities.

MCMC scope of services is a document to guide staff on the services that the hospital provides and was last updated in 2019. There are a couple of changes, one is the removal of intensive care unit services and to add OB services as an inpatient care service.  OB was in the outpatient portion of the document. The board approved the scope of services with the two changes.

The strategic plan for the hospital was discussed by CEO Bo Beames. He went over the plan and will be looking for input for changes to bring it back to the board in October with the plan to be finalized by the board meeting in November.

In the financial report MCMC is dealing with Serna to collect a $4.5 million of bad debt which is part of the $9 million accounts receivable. MCMC received money from the legislature to demo the old facility, but Medina noted there wasn’t enough money to do the job completely so the money will likely be pulled back to the state and MCMC will have to request the money again to do the work. MCMC receives about $113,000 in revenue per day and is spending about $103,000 a day. The hospital received $3.6 million in special appropriations which puts them in the black.

$6.155 million in the bank account at the end of August which is well above the negative number MCMC saw this time last year. The hospital has $4.881 million received from patient services.  Patient admissions is down from last year. Outpatient admissions are also down from last year.

The board heard that Tony Salazar will be the new trauma director as Dr Victor Cruz has left hospital. The board went into executive session to discuss the CEO Search and succession plan.


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