​UPDATE: Raton High Goes on Lockdown 

By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media

Raton Superintendent Kristie Medina provided an update about the school lockdown incident that took place on Tuesday September 17, 2024.  Raton High School was placed on a lockdown protocol for about five hours after the school received a threat of a shooting that was supposed to take place at the high school.

“After a thorough investigation by all law enforcement entities, it has been determined that there is no ongoing threat to our school community”, said Medina’s statement.  A thorough search of the school was conducted Tuesday afternoon and no weapons were found on the high school campus by officers. At this time there have been no arrests and Raton Police are working with a social media company to determine the source of the threat.

Medina has deemed the school environment to be safe and her and the Raton High Staff are ready to welcome students back to school on Thursday September 19, 2024. She noted in her remarks that they are aware that the events on Tuesday are unsettling and the district will have counselors on-site to provide support if needed. Students, parents and staff are welcome to use the counselors with students being encouraged to seek their assistance if they feel anxious or overwhelmed by the events.

As the investigation continues the school district will continue to follow enhanced safety protocols which will include the use of clear backpacks and purses. Medina noted this will not happen overnight as it will take some time to get the clear backpacks either ordered and or purchased from stores. The district will work with parents to get this goal accomplished as soon as possible. The use of clear backpacks and purses and carry bags will be mandatory going forward. There will also be a heightened level of security on campus to help insure that all students feel safe and are supported as the high school campus works to return to a normal environment.

She noted there will be a parent meeting to be held Monday, September 23, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. at Tiger Gym. The district is preparing a question form and is asking parents to fill it out with any questions they have so that they can be answered at the meeting. She asks that the questions be presented beforehand as they will not allow questions to be asked during the meeting.

As the investigation continues any updates will be passed along to the community.

Superintendent Medina is requesting that all backpacks be left at home Thursday the 19th and Friday the 20th students will not need them the remainder of the week.


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