You will not find something until you look for it. You will not look until you have a need. A need to look can come when and where you least expect it.

We work together as a community to connect you with the information and services you need.
A small town is a great place to live. We have nice people, little traffic, and easy access to places and events, but you have to know where to go to find information, who is putting on events, and where and when they will happen. That is why the Raton Community Development Collaborative created this website.
Why should you use the website?
You can watch the news, listen to the radio, or read the paper but you may still need help to find some information. You can search the internet to find your answers but you need to know how to ask the question. You can ask your friends and neighbors but they may know less than you do.
Where are you going to go to find your answer?
Cruse around our website to discover all the different types of help and information tools we have for you.
So who are you going to call to get the help you need?
Call us at (575) 707-7060 and one of our volunteers will help you find it.
The website was created to promote connections for Ratonians with the people, services, and organizations in our community. Raton has an abundance of activities and services. However, they may not always be easy to access. It is imperative that we seize every opportunity to collaborate, despite the challenges we face as a community. This website is a vital resource for our community; it serves as a central hub where you can find all the information you need, whether it is about local events, services, or organizations. With the website, staying connected and well-informed has never been easier.
Who is behind the website?
The Raton Community Development Collaborative, also known as, created the website. This initiative was conceived by Paul Jenkins and Rich Kuhns in response to numerous inquiries from the community. With their extensive experience serving on various nonprofit boards in Raton and launching successful businesses, they are here to share their expertise on effective strategies and potential pitfalls to avoid. Raton is an exceptional and empathetic community that takes pride in supporting one another. Let’s work together to make it easier to become successful.
Concerned Ratonians who want to help others
To accomplish our goals we need volunteers who want to help others and who are willing to learn how to research and find answers. We hope to be able to include all generations in this task. Suppose you are retired and have the time, we will teach you how to use this new technology and find answers. If you like to navigate the internet and want to help others, we have a place for you. Or if you are looking for a way to get involved in our community and don’t know how to start, we have a place for you. To know more about volunteering, click here. is continually changing to meet the needs of our community. If you have not found what you are looking for or have a suggestion please call or contact us.